10 Reasons Why Your Windows 11 Computer is Slow And Safe Way to Fix It

10 Reasons Why Your Windows 11 Computer is Slow: Reasons why your Windows 11 computer is slow? Let’s jump straight to the point. These are possible reasons why your Windows 11 computer is slow.

Also, Read; How to Install Windows 11 On Your Computer

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Windows 11 Computer is Slow Because;

You have too many programs running at the same time

When you have multiple programs running at the same time, your computer could slow down because these programs could be taking up your RAM’s memory and processing power. Let’s say you forgot to stop or uninstall unnecessary programs from your computer just know they won’t stop running.


Open the Task Manager to see which programs are running and press end task.

Multiple Browser tabs are open

When you have multiple browser tabs open, your computer could slow down. The reason, opening multiple tabs or hopping from one tab to another reduces the memory and processing power of your computer.


Close all tabs that are not in use and bookmark all important links.

Your hard drive is full

When your hard drive has no space, then it could a reason why your computer is slow. In fact, when your hard drive has less than 30% free space, consider replacing it or check the solutions below.


Run disk cleanup to delete unnecessary files from your computer. Also, empty your trash bin.

You never restart your Computer

When your computer is suddenly slow, then restarting it could jumpstart things a little bit. Simply close all programs and files and restart your computer.

You have too many Start-up Programs

Startup programs are programs that run automatically when you start your PC. So, when you have too many of these startup programs, your computer could slow down.


Open Task Manager. Go to the startup tab and see which programs could be slowing down your computer and remove the program(s).

You do not have enough memory in your Computer

If you run huge programs like photoshop on your computer, then suddenly your computer is slower than normal, then you must consider adding additional RAM to your computer.

Your Computer has a Virus

Viruses, spyware, and other malware can slow down your computer. This is especially true if you are not keen when it comes to downloading files from unknown sources.


Run a verified antivirus on your computer to check for malware and viruses.

You have unnecessary Software Updates

As much as we want to be updated in every software that we have on our computers, the constant updates can slow down our computers. When these automatic updates are left running in your background unnecessarily, they take up valuable space on your hard drive hence slowing down your computer.


Install a verified software updater to keep all other software updated all the time.

You have too many Browser Add-ons

Too many browser extensions could be slowing down your computer instead of enhancing your browsing experience.


Identify all the necessary add-ons on your browser and disable those that are not.

Your Computer is running on an outdated Software

If you are operating your computer using an older version of an operating system, your computer runs the risk of being slower than normal.


Try upgrading your software to the newest version. This may provide you with better compatibility with newer hardware and software, as well as improve the general performance of your computer.

 Windows 11 Computer is Slow, How To Fix It

If your Windows 11 Computer is Slow, there are several steps you can take to improve its performance. Here are some potential solutions:

  1. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve performance issues by clearing temporary files and freeing up system resources.
  2. Check for malware: Run a full scan using reliable antivirus software to check for any malware or malicious programs that could be impacting your computer’s performance. Remove any threats that are detected.
  3. Update Windows: Make sure your Windows 11 operating system is up to date. Microsoft regularly releases updates that include performance improvements and bug fixes. To update Windows, go to Settings > Windows Update and click on “Check for updates.”
  4. Manage startup programs: Too many programs set to run at startup can significantly slow down your computer. To manage startup programs, open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc, go to the “Startup” tab, and disable any unnecessary programs from starting up with your computer.
  5. Optimize storage: If your computer is running low on disk space, it can affect performance. You can free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files, uninstalling unused programs, and using the built-in storage management tools in Windows 11. Go to Settings > System > Storage to access these tools.
  6. Disable visual effects: Windows 11 includes various visual effects that can consume system resources. Disabling or reducing these effects can improve performance. Right-click on the Start button, select “System,” go to the “Advanced system settings” tab, click on “Settings” under the “Performance” section, and choose “Adjust for best performance” or customize specific settings to your preference.
  7. Adjust power settings: Windows power settings can affect your computer’s performance. Ensure that your power plan is set to “Balanced” or “High performance” by going to Settings > System > Power & sleep.
  8. Update device drivers: Outdated or incompatible device drivers can cause performance issues. Visit your computer manufacturer’s website or use third-party driver update software to check for and install the latest drivers for your hardware components.
  9. Perform a disk cleanup: Use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility to remove temporary files, system files, and other unnecessary items from your computer. To access Disk Cleanup, type “Disk Cleanup” in the Windows search bar, select the drive you want to clean up, and follow the prompts.
  10. Increase virtual memory: In some cases, low virtual memory can impact performance. You can increase the virtual memory by going to Settings > System > About > Advanced system settings > Performance > Settings > Advanced > Change. Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” box, select the drive where Windows is installed, choose “Custom size,” and set an initial and maximum size for the paging file.

If your Windows 11 Computer is Slow even after following these steps, it’s advisable to consult with a technical expert or the Windows 11 community for further assistance.